Prayer Request For Brother Dwayne Lemon

This was written by Dwayne Lemon's wife, Alexandra Lemon.

"Hello Brothers and Sisters,

As of December 19th my husband and best friend will undergo open heart surgery.

When he was a child, he had rheumatic fever and it damaged his Mitral Valve.  All these years God has been merciful and allowed him to accomplish much for His glory.

Yet it was last year (spring 2015) that God ever so lovingly allowed us to be at a friends house who worked in the cardiology department at a hospital and she had a portable echocardiogram machine with her.

She wanted to look at both my husband and my heart and this is when we discovered that Dwayne had a large left atrium with some regurgitation.  She recommended that he see a cardiologist to play it safe.

Fast forward to a two weeks ago, Dwayne saw a cardiologist and he stated that his heart muscles were strong, Ejection Fraction was at 60% (which is good) and arteries are clear, yet his regurgitation was really bad as a result of a diseased mitral valve from the rheumatic fever he had as a child.  He recommended we see a heart surgeon to have the issue remedied.

Of course we were taken back at the thought that he would “possibly” have to undergo “open heart surgery.”  Nevertheless, we had to do our due diligence and begin researching and seeking a surgeon.

It was in God’s providence that Dwayne contacted a good friend and asked if he knew anyone and he stated that he’s close friends with one of the top Mitral Valve Surgeons in California and gave him his number. PRAISE GOD!!!  I marvel at how God provides before we even ask.

We contacted doctor Wang and we talked and he was willing to take his case.  Dwayne sent him the CD of the echocardiogram and when he saw it, he agreed that the regurgitation was bad and surgery should be sooner than later considering these surgeries are best done when the heart is strong and healthy.

Several providences took place in rapid pace:

1. We needed a surgeon, God provided.
2. We asked the Lord for a consecrated SDA surgeon who relates to our message. God provided again.
3. We prayed that Dwayes valve could be “repaired” rather than “replaced”. Doctor Wang is one of the few surgeons in America that is trained and skilled to repair a rheumatic valve. PRAISE GOD!!!
4. We needed a date sooner than later. (Sometimes these surgeries can be put off for months). He agreed to do it on December 19th.
5. The hospital fees are expensive! (We were not able to use our medical coverage as we could not get the care, nor timing needed for surgery) Therefore we will have to do a cash pay for this service. We needed to make sure that coming up with the money was not a hindrance from moving forward with the set date. Dr. Wang being the director of staff at the hospital (San Antonio Community Hospital, in Upland, CA) was able to get them to consent to let the surgery go forward even though all funds may not be in yet. THIS IS AMAZING!

Truly God orchestrated all of this, and I praise Him for this demonstration of His faithfulness when He says: “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear”( Isaiah 65:24).

According to the natural order of things, this surgery is not one unto death.  It has a 98-99% success rate.  More people die of car accidents on the highway than do people needing Mitral Valve repair or replacement.

However, beyond this scientific data, we have a more sure success rate, that says: “And we know that ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

My friends, even before this heart problem came to my attention a couple of weeks ago, Dwayne has been battling with different attacks from the enemy that affected both his mind and body over the past several months.  He has come to realizations whereby the Lord was showing him that if he’s going to be part of His team to truly Finish His work and give the Loud Cry, He must turn up the heat in the refiners fire and burn off more dross from his life.

Oh, how much dross that has been discovered about ourselves!  We have learned life changing lessons that we have covenanted with God, that if He allows us to make it safely through this surgery, we will share these blessed insights with our family first and then the church and world at large.  This is our hearts desire for we have seen Jesus more clearly than we’ve ever seen Him before and He truly is ALL TOGETHER LOVELY…Song 5:16

Brothers and Sister, we truly believe that God is not through with him yet and his mind has become resolved that If he lives through this surgery, (by the way, this is my FULL expectation), Praise God, but if God decides to let His servant rest in “His salvation”, as Romans 8:28 already showed us, we will praise Him still!!!!

Nevertheless, we would encourage you all to let not your heart be “troubled” but let them be “prayerful”.

We need the prayers of those we love, and that’s you.

We know many of you are dear and close friends of ours, and we are simply asking that you would please understand that while the natural impulse is to call, unfortunately, we will not be able to take many of your calls.  We are spending time in prayer, praise and preparation.  I have full expectation to keep everyone updated on his surgery and recovery.

We also need you sacrificial financial support.  We will be sending you a gofundme link that you can help us in a very real and practical way.  Please look forward to getting it and sharing with all of your friends, church members, and even strangers.

Thank you so much,"

Alexandra Lemon


"Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).