C.D. Brooks Passes Away.

We are told that Elder CD Brooks passed away today from pancreatic cancer.  We long to meet again with Jesus on That Day.

More information will be forthcoming.

Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them (Revelation 14:13).
"The old standard bearers knew what it was to wrestle with God in prayer, and to enjoy the outpouring of His Spirit. But these are passing off from the stage of action; and who are coming up to fill their places? How is it with the rising generation? Are they converted to God? Are we awake to the work that is going on in the heavenly sanctuary, or are we waiting for some compelling power to come upon the church before we shall arouse? Are we hoping to see the whole church revived? That time will never come." {1SM 122.1}