Elder Ted Wilson Affirms Sanctity of Life at Press Conference in Jamaica

According to the Jamaica Observer, a secular magazine in Jamaica:

MONTEGO BAY, St James – President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church Pastor Ted Wilson yesterday stoutly defended the sanctity of human life, as the renewed debate on abortion rages on.

“Seventh-day Adventists believe in the sanctity of life. We believe that God created human beings on the sixth day of a literal seven-day week and rested on the seventh day. When God created man, and then woman, he created the opportunity of procreation.

“The Bible says that He indicated that they are to be fruitful and multiply, so we believe that life itself is a beautiful, sanctified gift from God,” Pastor Wilson stated during a press conference shortly after his arrival in Jamaica for an official visit at the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, St James, yesterday.

Noting that it is a personal issue, he argued that in cases where mother's lives are at risk some may go the abortion route, “but the SDA are strong supporters of the sanctity of life”.

“Most Seventh-day Adventists would be very supportive of the sanctity of life and not in favour of abortion unless the mother's life was in danger or perhaps there was incest or rape involved, and that is left to the individual to decide, at least in some countries,” Pastor Wilson said.

The clergyman, at the same time, charged Jamaican legislators to pay attention to the will of God in the preservation of life.

“We do urge that lawmakers give strong adherence and cognizance to the sanctity of life,” said the world Adventist Church leader.

But, he was quick to point out that while the Seventh-day Adventist Church conveys the teachings of the Bible, it is not their custom to interfere in a country's politics.

“... There will be certain causes, there will be certain things that SDA will give very strong support to but will not try to meddle politically in the process of decision-making except to portray the beautiful principles that the Bible has outlined because that will help us to live life to the fullest, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually,” the SDA leader said.

“Whatever, the scripture says is what we will advocate and even lobby for, but without becoming highly political.”

Pastor Ted Wilson, on his second visit to Jamaica, is leading a 200-member delegation, representing four continents — Asia, Africa, Europe and North America – to participate in the 12th Global Leadership Summit which takes place at the Iberostar Hotel in Montego Bay from February 4 to 8.

The focus of the summit will be on healthy lifestyle and while in Jamaica the leaders will immerse themselves in local communities in western Jamaica to promote healthful living.

