3ABN and Brenda Walsh Part Ways

According to a press release from 3ABN yesterday, Brenda Walsh is now separated from 3ABN. 3ABN ran a video explaining their position two days ago, and then took it down. Brenda responded with a video of her own.

Here is the 3ABN Statement,

Due to the many accusations Brenda Walsh has been making against this ministry, 3ABN chose to post a video answering some of the questions that have been asked pertaining to the separation of Brenda Walsh and 3ABN. We believed it was important to share the truth of this situation, as questions were being raised, and we desire to be honest and transparent with you, our viewers and donors. Our administrative team has since decided to pull the video, as its purpose has been served. If you have further questions about the separation between 3ABN and Brenda Walsh, please email us at [email protected], or you can call (618) 627-4651. Someone from our administrative team will be in touch with a response as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support of this ministry and may God richly bless you!

As a measure of investigative journalism, Fulcrum7 is publishing both of these videos. We are taking no side in this dispute. We ask for your prayers for both 3ABN and Miss Brenda, that there will be a good outcome that honors the Lord we serve.

Here’s the video from 3ABN that was posted a couple days ago. We will run this for 48-hours. [EDITOR’S NOTE. This video was taken down before 48 hrs because individual commentors are saying worse things in public than 3ABN or Brenda has said. Disagree if you will, but do it with grace and dignity]

Update regarding the 3ABN Kid’s Network. This may clear up some questions regarding the Kid’s Time situation:

Brenda responded with a video statement on her Facebook page, and YouTube. Here is the YouTube link,


“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.  Do not take revenge, my friends” (Romans 12:16-19).