Chris Oberg and Pro-LGBT Lawyer Present "Neither Male Nor Female" Forum at LLU

A generational Adventist—Mrs. Chris Oberg has been a champion of women’s ordination for several decades. Predictably, she has also taken up the cause of LGBT acceptance/inclusion/justification. And now it’s “Let’s help dismantle the gender binary because it ain’t fair” (paraphrased).

In a ‘sermon’ two years ago, she stated that three transgender folks are changing her mind on the topic of gender fluidity. Presumably from “Ok, that’s wrong” to “Are YOU perfect? We’re ALL sinners!” We see these changes in thinkin’ happen all the time, especially among folks who have already decided that Galatians 3:28 means Unisex in Jesus. When a person’s opinion is based on culture and not on the Bible, there is room for an unlimited display of human devising. Just make it up as you go along.

Speaking of making things up, on Thursday, April 18th, Mrs. Oberg and Stefan Johnson held a forum titled “Neither Male Nor Female” on the Loma Linda University Campus.

Stefan Johnson is an attorney at Lambda Legal. His bio,

Stefan Johnson is Legal Help Desk Director for Lambda Legal, the oldest and largest national legal organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and people with HIV.

Some of Johnson’s conclusions:

  • Gender identity—a person’s internal sense of their own gender—is the primary factor in determining a person’s sex.

  • According to the medical consensus, gender identity is innate, and attempts to change a person’s gender identity are unethical and harmful to a person’s health and well-being.

  • Birth certificates can harm a transgender person, and inhibits their ability to self-define and express their identity.

Here’s the Way I See It

Goodbye biblical sexuality. Hello gender fluidity.

Goodbye biblical gender distinctions. Hello Unisex in Jesus.

Goodbye courage. Hello culture.

Goodbye to what is lawful. Hello to what is legal.

Goodbye sound doctrine. Hello gay theology.

And them liberals say there is no connection between WO and LGBTQ. I reckon they’re all mixed up, just like their new botched binary.


“Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me” (Psalm 119:133).