Mass Murders And Shootings

Mass shootings (mass murders), everyone who is everyone is talking about them.

Pastor Doug Bachelor even weighed in on these events in a YouTube video—that is about to hit 40k views—expressing concerns of the times that we are living in.

Everyone’s got an opinion on how to stop or lower the rate of casualties. Some say it’s demonic video games as pointed out by President Trump. But the Word of God has told us it’s just the signs of the times.

Our culture is rapidly changing. We see these events in the rapid flow of Bible Prophecy. There is much uncertainty and fervor about the 2020 Presidential elections. The events surrounding national elections interestingly enough mirror our own church elections and reflects the uncertainty of what our church will look like.

Imagine you’re in a moral time machine. If you were to go back 5,000 years to Noah’s time, then advance on to the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, to today, you would see that morality during those times is reflected in the sins of today. The events happening in our culture today shout to Gods end-time people that we have entered into Time of the End.

Today, the human population has a lack of interest in knowing and understanding their Creator and His Word. Those that do have an interest often appear to have a Laodicean mindset. Great changes are taking place. SDA Revelation evangelists agree that a majority of those that come to our Revelation meetings don’t come with a Bible. They come with a vast knowledge of YouTube videos.

This is a video from my new YouTube channel that analyzes current mass killing events. The goal of the video is an organized, uplifting, Christ-centered video on YouTube! Feel free to click the red subscribe button.

I am trying to reach the people in the way that they receive knowledge. Not just by friendship evangelism, going door to door and holding Revelation Seminars, but also through a rapidly growing YouTube Channel called Bible Prophecy Made Clear.

Greg Sereda and many other SDA YouTubers have been plugging my channel to help with its rapid growth.

In September there is an event called the “Area 51 Raid” that I will be at to hand out water, Glow tracts and conduct seminars on “What The Bible Says Aliens Are” along with having a Revelation Seminar that is made for YoutTube!

Please consider financially supporting me.

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 Jerrod Boling is a father to 4 and has been married for 15+ years. Jerrod is an Associate Speaker for Amazing Facts and Little Light Studios. He currently resides in Northern California working as a Bible Worker and an Evangelist. Make sure you check out his YouTube Channel called Bible Prophecy Made Clear and schedule him for some Epic, Christ centered talks!