Update on The Andrews University Twitter Mob Saga

The Incident

On January 29, a black female student at Andrews (Jameeka), took issue with a grade of 74 she received on a paper she wrote about the evils of stereotyping—a paper which ironically stereotyped white people as white-privileged oppressors.

She confronted the professor (John Markovic) in his office, and then posted her version of the confrontation on her Twitter page to arouse an outrage mob against Dr. Markovic. She then filed a formal complaint against Markovic with the University. She has also accused him of racism. Without knowing the whole story, numerous individuals affirmed her on Twitter, including various social-justice-sympathetic Adventists. Jameeka goes by the name “Hater of Happiness” on Twitter.

“Hater of Happiness @nyctophil3 · Jan 29

I am mentally exhausted with the white male professors at AU. I had this argument with my professor today and I’ll go into detail about it later. Cause I’m going to file a formal complaint.”

Formal Complaints

Formal complaints or grade disputes from a student against a teacher must go through a process. That process is outlined in the Student Handbook.

The Paper

We are informed by an individual in another state that the paper in question was reviewed by three Andrews authorities, including the department Chair—and the grade of 74 stands. That dispute is settled.

Code of Student Conduct

Andrews University issues a Code of Student Conduct as part of the Student Handbook. Some of these codes are as follows,

2. Profane, obscene, indecent or otherwise inappropriate conduct such as indecent exposure, or expressions which violates accepted standards of Christian conduct

12. Premarital and extramarital sexual activity or sexually related behavior that includes but is not limited to inappropriate displays of affection; accessing, possessing or displaying pornographic or other sexually explicit materials; and sexting or other virtual forms of sexual activity

14. Verbal, written, physical and other forms of inappropriate, disrespectful, intimidating, harassing, bullying (degrading, humiliating, malicious or defamatory) or lurking (expressing and/or maintaining steady romantic interest that is unwelcomed and/or unrequited) behaviors which compromise the dignity, well-being, health or safety of any person; includes, but is not limited to, phone calls, emails, texts and all forms of online or social network communications

15. Threats or threatening statements or conduct which directly expresses or implies a threat or dangerous intention to a specific or general target.

“Profane, obscene and indecent” tweets are in good supply on ‘Hater of Happiness’ Twitter page. Here are some examples below.


In true social justice fashion, numerous individuals on Jameeka’s Twitter page have also accused Markovic of being racist, presumably for trying to reason with Jameeka about the evils of stereotyping, and the futility of going through life with a victim mentality.

John Markovic presented a very informative lecture on the dangers of the Emerging Church at GYC 2013 in Orlando. He funded most of his own research into the emergent movement, and spiritual formation. He could use your support at this time, and we ask you to consider it.

Dr. John Markovic at GYC 2013

If you are inclined to write to Andrews University, encouraging them to take a stand against identity politics and outrage mobs, please use these contacts,


“He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth” (Psalms 57:3).