AU Students Create Petition To Change Grading System

A group identifying themselves as Andrews University Students, started a petition on Tuesday. The petition is to persuade Andrews University to switch from a letter grading system (A…F) to a pass-or-fail system, or to make assignments optional.

  • One of their claims is that it is not possible for some students to “reach their full potential away from campus”, during the COVID-19 remote learning policy.

  • Another claim is that various lock-downs create other distractions that could contribute to a non-passing grade.

  • They are asking for these changes to be implemented for this semester, and that all assignments be optional, rather than required.

Opening Paragraph of The Petition

Please trust that this letter is not intended to show laziness, instead, look at it as a way of hearing the student body’s opinions during a highly stressful and uncharted situation. While some of the signatures to this letter are from students with exceptional grade point averages who will continue to do well in this new environment, there are others who rely heavily on a professor’s office hours, as well as Student Success or other forms of tutoring to do their best in school - this letter is intended for those students, although it’s impossible to say how well a “good student” will perform under this new method. While it is fully understood that remote learning is the best way to keep our university safe and help slow the spread of Covid-19, we also hope the administration understands that we did not plan on taking online classes when we chose Andrews University and we have serious concerns moving forward. 

The Dr. Markovic Versus Jameeka Issue

Back in January, a disgruntled Andrews student initiated a Twitter mob against a professor (Dr. John Markovic) for receiving what she believed to be a low grade on a paper. In social justice fashion, she accused the professor of exercising white privilege, while others on her Twitter page called Markovic a racist and other invectives — using shamefully inappropriate language.

Since the professor was accused publicly, we believe that Andrews University has a public obligation to vindicate Dr. Markovic, or side with the accuser. There is a protocol for matters of dispute.

On February 21, and March 11 we reached out to Andrews University for an update on this story. There has been no response from Andrews.

A number of people have reached out to Fulcrum7, asking if this accusation at Andrews has been resolved. Our advice is to direct those inquiries to Andrews. Feel free to write to Andrews University. Encourage them to be transparent, and encourage them to take a stand against identity politics and outrage mobs. Use these contacts,
