Ohio Conference Distributes Social Justice And Black Lives Matter Stewardship Insert

A couple weeks ago, Ohio Conference stewardship ministries director, Oswaldo Magana, distributed an article from the July 20, Volume 25 Stewpot to Church leaders throughout Ohio (see image below).

The Stewpot—What began fifteen years ago as a bulletin insert for the local churches of the Pacific Union Conference in the North American Division, today, is translated into Spanish and French with Portuguese and Korean being added next year. 

The July 2020, Volume 25, Issue 7 contained an article titled “Hear Me Out” by Sali Butler. In the preamble of the article she called for Adventists to develop a philosophy for social justice. She also showed pictures of Adventist youth wearing Adventists for Black Lives Matter shirts in the streets of Inglewood, CA. Some adults placed signs on vandalized buildings and properties saying “You’ve been prayed for by Adventists For Black Lives Matter.” Here’s an excerpt from Butler’s article that appears to call for repentance of systemic racism (whatever that is):

Confess: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9, KJV). Did you know Christians can live without confessing sins like racism, prejudice, discrimination, and injustice? If the early Church struggled with it, why would we pretend it doesn’t exist in the 21st century? Whether it is our accepted individual or institutionalized practices, there is a need for confession and repentance. Tokenism, quotas, and pigeonholing are forms of discrimination toward race, culture, and gender – all in the comfort zone of denial.

Magana would have been better off exposing the unbiblical agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement, and warning our people to stay away from it. But he didn’t, so we’ll provide several warnings below.


Resources exposing the malevolent ideology of BLM:

  • http://epochaltimes.com/blog/2020/7/10/black-lives-matter-amp-black-tires

  • http://epochaltimes.com/blog/2020/7/14/black-lives-matter-and-liberation-theology

  • http://epochaltimes.com/blog/2020/7/17/marxism-and-black-lives-matter-from-a-black-adventist-perspective

  • http://epochaltimes.com/blog/2020/6/6/why-a-christian-should-not-get-involved-with-black-lives-matter

  • http://epochaltimes.com/blog/2020/7/24/the-nads-jose-cortez-jr-and-shawn-brace-defend-the-blm-movement-again

The human race is divided between those who do not believe in Christ and those who do, between the once-born and the twice-born, between the rebels against God and those who have been conquered by the grace of Christ and belong to Him forever. What is currently going on in America is racial hysteria manifesting itself in a dangerous virtue-signalled self-righteousness. Be warned, dear ones—you join this socially accepted form of insanity at great peril to your soul.

Concurrently, the Church is becoming divided between the Everlasting Gospel, and those who believe they can mingle political and social justice causes without destroying the Three Angels Messages itself. They cannot. In the words of CD Brooks, this creates a “mixed multitude”:

We must preach our message. All of it! There are forces that seem to be dismantling what was so laboriously put together under the indispensable aid of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is not one to foster confusion, and He does not divide the saints. He may bring separation from the mixed multitude, but not from the saints”

Amongst us there are those who appear to be tired of our message, bored with it. There is a swelling cry for something different, unique. Some are saying, "We want a modern message designed for young people." That doesn’t go along with the awesome prophecy of Malachi 4, for when the Elijah message comes, just before the great and dreadful day of the Lord, the Bible says the hearts of the fathers and the children will be turned together. We are not to be divided by age, or generation” — C.D. Brooks


“Therefore “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17).