Ben Carson: Covid Vaccines "a Giant Experiment"

Dr. Ben Carson, a Seventh-day Adventist pediatric neurosurgeon and former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, pushed back on vaccinating children against COVID-19, calling the entire mass jab effort a "giant experiment."

The far-Left Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a move of stunning irresponsibility, is recommending that children as young as 5 years old get vaccinated against COVID-19. It's a recommendation Carson "absolutely" does not support. Except in combination with extremely serious co-morbidities such as leukemia, children do not die of Covid.

"We don't know what the long-term impact of these vaccines is," Carson told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, October 31st. "So this is really, sort of a giant experiment. Do we want to put our children at risk when we know the risk of the disease to them is relatively small but we don't know what the future risks [of the vaccine] are? Why would we do a thing like that? It makes no sense whatsoever."

Astonishingly, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, is recommending that even children who have recovered from Covid and thus have natural immunity still be subjected to the jab. Ignoring natural immunity goes against everything that is known about immunology in general and this disease in particular.

“There have been a number of studies that have shown that [natural immunity] is very, very effective,” noted Dr. Carson, “You look at the Cleveland Clinic study, 1,300 of their healthcare workers who had been previously infected, none of them got re-infected. So I know the CDC is coming out with their recommendation and trying to spin things their way, but we ought to look at all of the data.”

Carson, a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, was a professor at John Hopkins Medical Institutions and director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center. Carson holds more than 40 honorary doctorate degrees and has been widely celebrated for his work separating conjoined twins. In 2001 he was selected by the Library of Congress as one of 89 Living Legends on its 200th anniversary.

Following Dr. Carson’s lead, President Donald Trump told Chris Stigall, host of Philadelphia's Morning Answer, that he doesn't agree with the CDC's recommendation that kids get the shot. "Their immune systems are strong," Trump said. "They're not affected . . . children are different."

In related Covid news, a new study has found that boys aged 11–15 are four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than to be hospitalized from Covid-19. healthy boys are more likely to be admitted to the hospital with a “cardiac adverse event” (CAE) from the Pfizer-BioNTech experimental COVID vaccine than with Covid-19. In other words, boys are many times more at risk from the Pfizer jab side-effects than from COVID itself.

Høeg and colleagues estimated the rate of myocarditis after two doses of Pfizer’s vaccine to be 162 cases per million for healthy boys aged 12 to 15 and 94 cases per million for healthy boys aged 16 to 17. Cardiac adverse events after vaccination were highest in 12- to 15-year-old boys following their second dose of the Pfizer shot.

To identify children with evidence of cardiac injury, the study reviewed injury reports submitted between Jan 1 and June 18 to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and since VAERS only catches between 1% and 10% of actual adverse events, the true figures are even more alarming. If the one percent figure is accurate, it means the rate of myocarditis after two doses of Pfizer’s vaccine is closer to 16,200 cases per million (about 1 in 60) for healthy boys aged 12 to 15 and 9,400 cases per million (about 1 in 106) for healthy boys aged 16 to 17.