Southern Requiring Students to Submit Vax Card, Test, Or Quarantine for Two Weeks

We are seeing the rise of a new phenomenon this year (and last). We call it Medical Wokeism.


“Dear Students, As Southern’s new president, I can’t wait to meet you! In fact, I am very excited about the possibilities for our Fall 2021 semester. Not only will it be wonderful to have students back at Southern again after a quiet summer, but we also see a path forward for campus to return much more closely to normal. In consulting with our medical team, I have set the goal of achieving 70% COVID-19 vaccination among students and employees before fall classes begin. I have high hopes that we can attain that percentage and safely ease up on many of the protocols that have become so familiar. To track campus progress, we need you to upload your valid vaccination card at COVID-19 vaccinations are readily available across the country, and makes it easy to find an option near you. You can learn more about the vaccine on the CDC’s FAQ page. WHY SUBMIT YOUR VACCINATION CARD? Eligible for weekly $500 scholarship drawing Each Friday a student name will be randomly selected from all the valid vaccination cards that have been submitted by 11:59 p.m. that Wednesday. Valid submissions will be eligible to win a $500 scholarship every week beginning June 25 through October 1 (limit one scholarship per person). The sooner you submit your card, the more opportunities you have to win! No quarantine Once you upload your vaccination card, the University Health Center will keep it on record. If you are exposed to a COVID-19 case but have no symptoms, you will not be required to quarantine. RETURNING TO CAMPUS To help ensure that we start the school year off as safely as possible, you will be required to do one of the following before returning to campus:

1) Submit your completed COVID-19 vaccination card at least one week before your arrival at Southern. -OR-

2) Submit proof of a negative PCR COVID-19 test taken no more than 72 hours prior to arriving on campus, AND test again with the University Health Center within a few days of arriving on campus. (If you opt out of the above options, you will need to quarantine for the first 14 days after your arrival.

This option is not available for SmartStart, JumpStart, or BIOS.) Vaccination cards and test results should be uploaded at Once your documentation is validated by the University Health Center, you will be cleared to return to campus and if applicable, move into campus housing. For your vaccination card to be accepted, it must show Johnson & Johnson or two doses of Pfizer, Moderna, or AstraZeneca. If you started a two-dose vaccination series but will not get your second dose in time to submit your vaccination card one week before returning to campus, you will need to submit test results to the portal. If you have misplaced your vaccination card, you can request a replacement from the health department in the county where you initially received the vaccine. Students who have stayed or worked on campus over the summer will need to submit their vaccine card one week prior to moving into campus housing or beginning their first class (whichever happens first) or be tested by the University Health Center during their first week of classes. If you test positive for COVID-19 within 72 hours before returning to campus or have symptoms, please contact the University Health Center immediately for instructions ([email protected] or 423.236.2713). Uploading a vaccination card is voluntary, but it is an important factor in our decision-making process this summer as we gear up for the new school year. My wife, Ann, and I are both fully vaccinated, and I invite you to join us in contributing to the goal of a more normal campus experience this fall! Thank you, Ken Shaw.”


  • Shaw first states that submitting (uploading) a vaccination card or be repeatedly tested is “required.” Then he states—at the end—that uploading a vaccination card is voluntary. What are we to conclude with this ambivalent language?

  • While saying that a vaccination card is voluntary, schools and organizations can increase consequences for not getting it. This effectively compels people to submit in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, while at the same time giving the appearance of respecting your right to choose.

  • It is possible that insurance carriers are pressuring institutions into Medical Wokeism in order to limit liability. If that’s true, a better approach is to ask staff and students to sign a release of liability form if they choose to not get the vaccine. With a 99.3% survival rate, there is little need for Medical Wokeism.

  • A timid approach to life will not automatically become courageous when the Mark of the Beast is mandated (Revelation 13).

  • Students are among the least vulnerable to the Wuhan Flu. They do not need the vaccine, according to numerous medical experts.

  • Bribery. Ohio and Kroger have each created a one million dollar lottery to get people to accept the experimental vaccine. Others are offering free doughnuts, marijuana, scholarships, and even illicit sexual encounters as an incentive for getting the Covid Vax.. If the Wuhan Flu (99.3% survival rate) is an authentic emergency, why do we need to bribe people to get a vaccine? What is it teaching our children?


“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding​. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).