Urgent Prayer Request

I am asking our Fulcrum7 family to lift up in prayer Shane and Mary Hilde, and Gerry and Nancy Wagoner.

Many of you know that Shane Hilde was the co-founder, along with Sean Pittman, of the Educate Truth website, and that Shane later founded the website ADvindicate, to which Gerry and I were both contributors.

Shane, Mary and their three small children are on vacation in Ohio and were visiting Nancy and Gerry Wagoner. The four adults became ill. Shane and Mary have tested positive for Covid-19. Mary has been hospitalized. The three Hilde children are being cared for by some of the Wagoner’s friends in the German Baptist community.

Gerry has been tested, but without, as of this morning, a definitive diagnosis. However, the likelihood is that he and Nancy also have Covid-19 since they were with Shane and Mary. Gerry describes the disease as a bad flu but with a severe headache; he says the back of his head feels like it is gripped by a vise.

I don’t think Gerry would ask for himself, but I am asking: pray fervently for all four of them, especially for Mary. These precious ones have been very important to a number of Internet-based ministries, and the devil would like to sideline them or put them out of the game permanently. Pray that the Divine Healer will not allow that.