Sabbath in St. Louis - GC Session 2022

Mostly empty all week, the Dome (arena) is slowly starting to fill up with Sabbath worshipers this morning. Lots of people are walking down the sidewalks towards the convention center.

There are Sabbath school classes for children in the Convention Center, and plenty of seating in the Arena.

There were some protesters outside, shouting that the church is in apostasy. I suspect that some of them are Shepherds’ Rod individuals. Others are passing out material on abortion, and a few are passing out testimony books.

Jim Howard moderated the Sabbath School program in the Arena. He did a fine job. Justin Kim and Sebastian Braxton and a couple other individuals participated in the SS discussion…

People are anticipating the Sabbath sermon. We should get a feel for what Ted Wilson’s agenda will be during the next three years until 2025. Hopefully there will be some significant issues addressed..

An orchestra is playing now, they are sequestered in a corner left of the stage. Sounds good.. They are accompanied by a small choir of people in their native dress. “This is my Father’s World..”

It was brought to my attention that a competing publication in the church just published leaked information about the nominating process for GC President. Those who leaked the information are profoundly unethical, as the nominating proceedings are confidential—to preserve freedom of expression in that process.

I get the freedom of the press, as a fundamental freedom, but there is a reason that nominating committees are private.

Erton Kohler introducing Ted Wilson. [Note, I rode the elevator with Kohler to the press box an hour ago. He asked how I was doing I replied “Better than I deserve.” He said I have no way to verify that (with humor).]

Nancy Wilson has been a worthy helpmeet for Ted Wilson…last year… an 8 year old grandson. Young James died in June 2021…
This is a looooooong introduction…….

Kohler invites audience to applaud.. They did. That was markedly different from the 2010 Session in Atlanta where brother Ted asked the audience to refrain from applause and give a hearty amen instead…

Merlin Burt reading a passage from Ellen White when she was 75 years old in 1903…. Elaine Oliver offering a prayer…reading Ellen White’s prayer….actually…still reading….

Wilson at the podium…privilege to speak after a prayer by EGW… Good morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ… refers to “miserable COVID19 pandemic” that delayed GC Session twice…. The Session will end around 6:30 PM this evening.

Let us not lift up each other, but rather lift up Christ. Acknowledges that Kohler went into great detail in his introduction…Jesus is coming again….

Hold fast What You Have (sermon) Holds up the Bible…

signs around us, political unrest, moral decay, attacks on the family, miserable pestilence…all these point to the end of time. Hold Fast WHAT YOU HAVE.

“Test all things; hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

SDA’s accept the Bible as it reads. SDA message is unique, it is the right message at the right time..

Pray for the Latter Rain. Hold Fast. His Church will go through..

1) Hold fast to the Godhead of three equal persons..

2) Hold fast to simplicity in Christian lifestyle

3) Biblical truths

4) avoid issues that are distractions. avoid mystical deceptions Jesus is the same today and forever..

5) Hold fast your observance of the Seventh-day Sabbath. Creation was in 6-literal days. Do not allow anyone anywhere to negatively influence you to believe that this earth was created in anything other than six 24-hours days… This earth was created about 6000 years ago… Why would you be a Seventh-day Adventist if God was telling us a fable in the Creation account. Hold on to YOUR FAITH.

6) a simple healthy lifestyle. Hold fast till I come…

7) Hold fast to God’s biblical institution of marriage between one man and one woman. Sexual aberrations are not in the Bible and will not lead to eternal life !!! And such WERE some of YOU. You were washed… Treat people with love and respect, but draw the line between sin and what is in the almighty Word of God. (AMEN)

8) Hold fast what you have. The writings of Ellen G. White… this body affirmed the Word of God and the SOP on Thursday…. Listen to the Word of God as it reads! If a small group in the future tries to put an end to confidence in the Bible and SOP - do not listen to them

10) Hold fast to mission

11) resist ecumenism. Make friends, yes, but we are called to a unique place in history…difficult days lie ahead..The devil will throw at us to halt our advance. The Omega is coming..hold fast to the word of God. Do not compromise with ecumenical compromise.

12) Hold fast to our core of the Everlasting Gospel. Righteousness by faith includes what the Spirit does for and IN us. No self centered salvation by works, focus on the literal sanctuary in heaven…The Devil will have his head bruised.

13) hold fast to the 28 fundamental beliefs. Including the sanctuary and 1844. These prophecies are rock solid and true. Do not modify our beliefs to conform to 21st century.

14) Hold fast to yur daily devotional life.

15) Hold fast to simple church worship, giving glory to God not people.

16) hold fast to circulation of SOP books….including Great Controversy Book..2.0… Share this book. Don’t let any church leader or conference or union president ever tell you not to distribute the Great Controversy... be a part of the Great Controversy 2.0 project…

17) Hold fast to the belief that Jesus is coming AGAIN…

18) Hold fast to biblical revelation - reject culture

19) Hold fast to the doctrine of the sanctuary message

20) Hold fast to year/day approach. And to historicist interpretation..

21) Hold fast to historical grammatical approach to biblical interpretation.

22) hold fast to the SOP. We are a family by God’s grace. Let us not be of base metal. I want all of us to be saved… “The church may appear as about to fall…”

23) Hold fast that we are God’s world wide remnant church. Avoid congregationalism!!

24) God’s government. Love, and God’s Law through the merits of Christ. We must gather warmth from the coldness of others… (how do we do that?)

25) Hold fast to health reform. 8 lifestyle principles. Shun alcohol and tobacco etc… Health reform is absolutely necessary. Focus on God’s word. Do not be distracted.

In Summation

Remember your identity. We need revival, reformation and repentance. We are set in the world as light-bearers. A few important points…What is mission about?

The core of the 3 Angels’ Messages is Jesus Christ. We are connected to Him and His righteousness. For justification and sanctification, and glorification.

We are being judged today… Do not follow the beast and his false day of worship—Sunday. The Sabbath is the great test of loyalty. We want the seal of God.

Babylon is led by the Papacy… We love everyone, we respect all religions. But there is only one God and one truth from Him. Babylon represents confusion and lies from the devil and spiritualism and union with false religion…The United States is part of this union. This country will trample on the rights of conscience. It will repudiate the Constitution. its coming. (Rev. 13:12). The U.S. combined with apostate Protestantism will enforce the mark of the beast worldwide..a false day of worship…everyone is marked…for God or for the Beast.
The mark of the beast is the Papal Sabbath….

Lean on Christ as we prepare for what is to come…Here is the patience of the saints…

Let’s keep all the Commandments of God. May we be unified through obedience…

This is a serious message. I thank you for your patience. Share these messages in love. We have a strong warning, coupled with the righteousness of Christ. Don’t become weary or discouraged….

Don’t be like the children of Israel, complaining and yielding to unwholesome appetite like they did. Bronze serpent on the pole..our hope is to look to Christ and live. Don’t give in to doubt, skepticism, cynicism etc..

Dear brothers and sisters. Don’t lose your faith. Look up and we will live! Tribulations and triumphs lie ahead…. Stop looking to each other, to experts, to worldly influences, To humanly devised church growth methods. I am not your leader, Jesus alone is.

Jesus is coming again. We shall behold Him.

Charles Haugabrook and a woman (Anikka) singing….. lovely voices WOW

Ted Wilson’s closing remarks….
If you want to get involved, please join me in prayer..


The Sabbath Morning service on 6.11.22 at the St. Louis General Conference Session. Elder Wilson’s sermon begins at the 1 hour, 14 minutes and 30 seconds - 1:14:30