Numerologist Predicts That The World Will end On Sabbath

 If you had plans for the weekend, a Christian numerologist says you won’t get to them because the world is about to end.

David Meade said that recent natural disasters and an upcoming astrological event fulfill Scriptures allegedly pointing to the end of the world: 

  • Meade argues recent natural events, such as strong hurricanes and earthquakes fulfill Luke 21:25, which says there will be “signs in the sun, moon and stars” and “people will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world.”
  • According to Fox News, Meade pinpointed the date, Sept. 23, using “date markers” found in Egyptian pyramids.
  • Meade also believes that Planet X, also known as Nibiru, will pass by Earth on Saturday and cause great natural disasters.  However, NASA has repeatedly claimed that Planet X doesn’t exist.  So who's right?
  • The date, Sept. 23, was also pinpointed because certain stars and planets will align on the date — something that happens frequently.  Those who believe in this say Revelation 12:1-2 will be fulfilled.

I remember in 1988 when Edgar Whisenant rattled the cages of cultural complacency with his book titled...appropriately...1988.  It was another prediction of the end of the world with all the trimmings, minus a wearable sandwich sign.  He said the 'Rapture' would likely happen on Rosh Hoshana in September, 1988.  But September came and went, and with it went a big part of the faith of those who feared that he might be right.  My sister-in-law was one of  them.  

I remember my wife and I meeting with a small group of Adventists for--the first time--at a park that fall.  Though we were still a German Baptist Brethren couple, they had invited us to spend the Sabbath with them at a park.  I was nearing the end of a two-year study to disprove Adventism--a goal that I was failing miserably.  

During the course of our conversation that afternoon,  I mentioned Whisenanat's upcoming apocalypse to our new-found Adventist friends.  Their reaction was startling, or should I say "Their lack of reaction was startling."   Bob--for instance--was so intrigued by the news that the world was predicted to end next week that he solemnly said "Is there any potato salad left?"  They were polite, but completely unmoved by this sensational book.  I found their quiet faith, both notable and attractive.  Deep down, I wanted the confidence that they had.  God gave it to me two months later.

So, in the two days between today, the 21st, and Sabbath the 23rd, while some are predicting, fearing and mocking the end of the world, might I suggest these simple exercises:

Remember the faith that God gave you in the Adventist Message.  There is nothing else like it, cloaked in the twin garments of confidence and humility.  It will not fail, if you don't fail Him.

Put yourself in neutral regarding the End of time.  Ask the Lord daily to carry you through, to both make and keep you ready.  He will respect a prayer like that.  And maybe send David a Great Controversy book, next week.  He might be blessed by it.

Appreciate the true friends that God has given you, and be one yourself.  Jesus will return at the appointed time, minus sensationalism and the shallow roots of self-motivating fear.  He is, after all, the True Friend (John 15:15).  We can rest in that.  All weekend long.
